Starter Template: ELVES – QY100 Style File

Load this .Q1P style file onto your Yamaha QY100 while in pattern mode to use as a starter template for your next song.

The file features a relaxing holiday loop with synthesized breathing and alien bird calls. The bells have been specifically modelled to match the timbre of those found in the famous Final Fantasy VII song “Buried in the Snow” by Nobuo Uematsu.

What it sounds like:

Included is a readme which should cover any questions that may arise.


Load this .Q1P style file onto your Yamaha QY100 while in pattern mode to use as a starter template for your next song.

The file features a relaxing holiday loop with synthesized breathing and alien bird calls. The bells have been specifically modelled to match the timbre of those found in the famous Final Fantasy VII song “Buried in the Snow” by Nobuo Uematsu.

Included is a readme which should cover any questions that may arise.