Starter Template: BALAMB – QY100 Style File

Load this .Q1P style file onto your Yamaha QY100 while in pattern mode to use as a starter template for your next song.

This particular style file features a loop of the track Balamb GARDEN from the Playstation title: Final Fantasy VIII. Original music was composed by Nobuo Uematsu. The song was sequenced into MIDI anonymously and archived on VGMusic. This file has been re-interpreted as a .Q1P file and is solely meant for educational purposes.

What it sounds like:

Included is a readme which should cover any questions that may arise.
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Load this .Q1P style file onto your Yamaha QY100 while in pattern mode to use as a starter template for your next song.

This particular style file features a loop of the track Balamb GARDEN from the Playstation title: Final Fantasy VIII. Original music was composed by Nobuo Uematsu. The song was sequenced into MIDI anonymously and archived on VGMusic. This file has been re-interpreted as a .Q1P file and is solely meant for educational purposes.

Included is a readme which should cover any questions that may arise.